Having a balanced pH level in the body is essential for good health and vitality.
The body’s pH level determines whether your body’s fluids and tissues are more acidic or alkaline. On a pH scale of negative 4.5 (which is very acidic) to positive 9.5 (which is highly alkaline,) your body is considered healthy and alkaline if you have a pH level of 7.0 or above. The body is always trying to maintain equilibrium at a pH of 7.365, which is slightly alkaline.

When the body is in an alkaline state, you are less likely to suffer from chronic disease and illness. If you have a slight pH fluctuation, the body becomes more acidic than it should be and it will immediately begin to exhibit symptoms of an imbalance. These symptoms may be quite insignificant like a runny nose, general fatigue, a skin breakout or a slight case of irritable bowel syndrome. Yet these minor health issues can be the first sign that your body needs to reach a more alkaline state.
If your body finds itself in an acidic state more often than a neutral one, it places you at a greater risk of contracting disease or chronic illness, experiencing weight gain, exhibiting teeth and gum problems, experiencing pain and inflammation and showing signs of premature aging. A condition of high acidity may go undetected for years, causing the body to suffer prolonged damage.
The typical modern diet unfortunately contains a high level of acidifying foods- animal proteins, wheat, gluten, dairy and refined and processed sugars. Alkaline foods such as fruits and vegetables are often eaten in much smaller quantities and are not ingested in a high enough dosage to neutralize the excess of acidifying foods often consumed. Common substances such as tobacco, coffee, tea and alcohol are also extremely acidifying in the body.
To help our bodies maintain a balanced pH level it is important to eat and enjoy more alkaline-forming foods and fewer acid-forming foods.
Eating a diet of 80% alkaline-forming foods and 20% acid-forming foods is a good rule of thumb when it comes to finding a healthy lifestyle balance.
Alkaline-forming foods include most fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts, seeds, and herbal teas. Green juice, leafy greens, cucumbers, lemons, melons and chia seeds are some of the best alkaline-producing foods.
Acid-forming foods include most grains, beans, meats, dairy products, fish, fast foods, rancid oils and processed foods. Sugar, dairy, conventional meat and coffee are some of the most acid-producing foods.
It is important to keep in mind that the acid in the acid/alkaline balance is not the same as stomach acid. A healthy stomach pH is acidic, which is necessary for digesting food. A pH balance refers to the pH of the body’s fluids, cells and tissues. Alkalinity is about what happens after digestion. For example, lemons are considered acidic but after digestion they supply alkaline minerals to the body.
When we eat acid-forming foods, the body needs to work to bring the blood pH back into balance by releasing alkaline-rich minerals into the bloodstream, such as calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.
If we are not eating enough alkaline-forming foods, then the body has to pull these minerals from our bones, teeth and organs. This paves the way for a compromised immune system, cellular damage, general fatigue and a greater vulnerability to viruses and disease. Bacteria and disease, especially cancer cells cannot thrive in an alkaline body.
pH and Yeast:
A highly acidic diet also creates a favorable environment for yeast and fungus in the body. Switching to a more alkaline diet will fight chronic yeast infections and the common symptoms apparent with them- fatigue, mood swings, bloating, gas, bad breath, brain fog and digestive irregularities- offering a greater source of overall energy and clarity in the body.
pH and Oral Health:
When the pH level of the body is too acidic, the mouth will also be quite acidic. Unfortunately, when the level of acid in the mouth is too high, it can cause bacteria to grow at a much faster rate. Bacteria can cause a number of different problems such as gum disease, tooth decay and bad breath. Many people note an improvement in their overall level of oral health by adopting a more alkaline diet.
pH and Magnesium:
If the body is in a highly acidic state, Magnesium is one of the minerals the body uses to help create and restore balance. Yet Magnesium is also a useful nutrient in the body that helps to support joint and tissue functions. By eating a diet that has an alkaline effect on the body instead of an acidic effect, your body will have more magnesium available to help reduce tissue and joint pain and inflammation.
pH and Healthy Cells:
Healthy cells can effectively absorb the nutrients they require and eliminate waste products. If cells become weakened, infectious organisms have a better chance of affecting these cells and the cells ability to repair and rejuvenate is also inhibited. This can result not only in a higher risk of illness but also contributes to premature aging. Premature aging occurs when cells are not able to get enough oxygen and when they are not able to rid themselves of toxins. An alkaline diet will nourish healthy cells, promote radiant skin, clear eyes and also maintain a healthy weight.
10 Benefits of Having a Balanced Body pH:
Youthful and clear skin
Deeper rejuvenating sleep
Abundant physical energy
Less colds, headaches and flu viruses
Improved digestion
Less arthritis and joint pain
Reduction of candida (yeast) overgrowth
Healthier and stronger bones and tissues
Increased mental clarity and mental alertness
Less susceptibility to cancer
Here at Byron Bay Detox Retreats one of our main focuses is to alkalise the system. We do this with cold pressed green vegetable juices, alkalized water, raw food and other supplements. Come join us on retreat, alkalise and get your health back on track.