There’s nothing we love more than natural remedies that come from the earth and not only heal the body but are also free from any nasty side effects or harm to the planet. One of our favourites is Apple Cider Vinegar.

ACV is an age-old remedy that has been used for thousands of years for curing almost any internal or external ailment you may be faced with, at a fraction of the price of mainstream medications and with nothing but beneficial side-effects.
Here are some of the amazing benefits:
1. Aids detoxification Being rich in natural minerals, vitamins and enzymes make apple cider vinegar a great addition to detoxification. The unique acids in apple cider vinegar bind to toxins and help the body eliminate them while stimulating circulation, aiding detoxification in the liver and cleansing the lymphatic/immune system.
2. Promotes weight loss ACV may aid in weight loss by stabilising blood sugar and controlling appetite. Try taking 1-2 teaspoons in water before each balanced meal.
3. Aids digestion It can help with common indigestion and gastrointestinal discomfort caused by certain foods and it is said to reduce acid reflux when taken with each meal.
4. Clears skin ACV can be used as a topical astringent for acne, psoriasis and eczema prone skin. Add 1 cup and a cup of Epsom salts to a hot bath to draw out toxins OR dilute ACV with water and lemon juice and use as a toner.
5. Removes warts Soak a cotton ball with ACV and attach it to the wart site with a Band-Aid. Leave overnight. Repeat each night until the wart disappears.
6. Improves immunity ACV’s unique blend of vitamins, minerals and enzymes helps defend the body from foreign invaders. It also possesses antimicrobial and antiseptic properties.
7. Strengthens hair Acetic acid, the main ingredient in ACV, will remove build up from styling products and conditioners and strengthen the hair shaft, leaving you with soft, shiny strands. It will also balance hair’s pH level, kill bacteria, and is a cure for dandruff.
Dilute 1/3 cup ACV in 4 cups of water and pour over your hair after shampooing once a week. Leave it in for a minute before rinsing your hair using cold water to seal the hair shaft and create more shine.
8. Is antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiviral Because of the acidic nature of ACV, it contains many bacteria, fungus and virus killing properties that destroy foreign invaders, increasing overall health and vitality. Use topically on bacteria or fungus by applying to a cotton pad and cleaning the area twice daily. Dilute in water and add to a spray bottle for an antibacterial cleaning spray or consume internally.
How to take it orally: Add 1-2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm or cool water before each meal or at the beginning of your day. Apple cider vinegar is also great as a salad dressing when mixed with flaxseed oil and honey.
*It’s important to buy an apple cider vinegar that is organic, unfiltered and contains the ‘mother’ which is the birthplace of all the wonderful bacteria and enzymes that create its nutritional value.