The liver is one of the primary organs of detoxification.
Major Functions
Filters your blood by removing harmful viruses, bacteria, yeasts, foreign substances and toxins
Metabolizes carbohydrates, fats, proteins
Breaks down and detoxifies old or excess hormones
Stores glycogen and fat soluble vitamins and minerals
Produces bile so that fats and vitamins can be digested
Balances blood sugar by releasing glycogen when blood sugar is low
Creates proteins needed for blood cells, hormones and the immune system
Detoxifies toxic chemicals so that they can be broken down and eliminated through bowel, skin, lungs and urine
Neutralises drugs and alcohol
Causes of Liver Dysfunction
High exposure to environmental toxins such as air pollution, pesticides on fruit and veg, cosmetics and cleaning products
Heavy Metals
High amounts of hydrogenated fats in diet
Nutritional deficiencies
Gastrointestinal imbalances such as constipation, candida and leaky gut
Signs Of Liver Dysfunction
Yellow/white coated tongue
Dark circles under eyes
Liver spots (brown spots/blemishes on skin)
Yellow sclera (white part of the eyes)
Excessive sweating
Skin rashes
Lack of appetite on waking
Indigestion after eating fatty foods
Difficulty concentrating
Waking between 1-3am for no apparent reason
Poor skin tone
How to Support and Love your Liver
Protein at every meal for liver detoxification and to repair and renew cells
High intake of raw fruits and vegetables which are high in antioxidants and protect the liver
Caraway seeds, garlic, onions, turmeric and beetroot and Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and brussel sprouts all stimulate liver detoxification enzymes
Vitamins and minerals especially the B vitamins,Vitamin C, magnesium, selenium and zinc
Essential fatty acids such as salmon, flaxseed, wheatgerm, walnuts and sesame
Herbs such as St Marys Thistle, Schisandra, Turmeric, Dandelion Root, Globe Artichoke and Rosemary all support liver detoxification and regeneration
Avoid alcohol, drugs and processed foods that are high in saturated fats such as deep fried foods, sugar and preservatives as these will burden and increase the toxic load on the liver
Exercise regularly to prevent a fatty liver and liver dysfunction
It is important to keep your liver in optimum health as it is the central organ to cleansing and detoxification.