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How Important is it to Buy Organic?

With so many products on shelves these days, it can be overwhelming to make a simple decision on a common food staple. Gluten-free, paleo, keto, vegan, high carb, low fat, sugar-free, the list goes on. When it comes to a particular diet, it is best to consult a healthcare professional to determine what is best for your body and your goals. One thing to look out for that is important no matter what diet you are following is ORGANIC.

Organic products are often higher in price than generic products so we tend to shy away from them. Wondering if it’s really worth the extra money?

But the answer is, always, yes. What you spend on organic products now you could be saving on medical bills later in life. Generic products are often made from genetically modified organisms (GMO) which means their cellular structure has been modified from a natural organism to something that can withstand certain chemicals that assist with commercial farming. These GMO products are foreign to the human body and can be very dangerous, containing free-radicals which can cause cancer. Non-organic produce is also almost certainly laced with herbicides & pesticides which are literally poisonous to humans and are very destructive to our liver and entire body. Another procedure that non-organic produce goes through is the process of applying wax to fresh produce such as apples to make them look shiny. If you see an organic apple sitting on a tree, it isn’t as shiny as those on the supermarket shelves, but producers add this wax to make them look more appetising, even though it is not fit for human consumption.

This wax is often made from shellac which is a wax derived from the female Lac bug – meaning they are non-vegan. As if there aren’t already enough reasons already to make the switch, non-organic produce is often mass produced, poorly handled and shipped in from various parts of the world whose standards can be much lower than those in Australia. Not only is the shipping/freight from other parts of the world completely unsustainable with huge Co2 emissions accrued in the travel of these products, they are also kept alive by artificial hormones, preservatives, methylcyclopropene and through controlled temperatures which destroys the nutrients and antioxidants contained in fruit & vegetables.

To put it into perspective, non-organic lemons can contain up to 6 cancer causing chemicals, 12 hormone-disrupting chemicals, and 10 other disease causing chemicals.

If it is not possible to shop solely organic, follow this helpful guide to ensure the most affected produce gets prioritised on your shopping list… The Dirty 12 refers to the top 12 plants which are most important to buy organic and the clean 15 are those which are least affected by herbicides and pesticides – so safer to buy non-organic if necessary.

Luckily today, most of the major supermarkets have an organic section in their aisles and there are entire supermarkets popping up all over the globe which are solely dedicated to safe, healthy, organic produce. These stores provide an organic option for most products these days, with new suppliers popping up by the day. This is a reflection of the growing change and heightened vibration we are shifting towards as a society. Opt for organic shops and local farmers markets vs supermarkets to support local business rather than major multinational corporations which invest your money in deforestation, land grabbing and an array of other toxic industries. Your dollar is your power, use it wisely.

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