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Fight Inflammation & Disease with an Alkaline Diet

Everything we ingest either has an alkaline effect or an acidic effect in the body. To put that in terms that may resonate with you – acidic foods create an environment where inflammation & disease can be born, whereas alkaline foods, on the other hand, not only reduce inflammation but also reduce the presence of disease. Disease cannot exist in an alkaline environment.

Inflammation is a vital part of the immune system’s response to injury and infection. It is the body’s way of signalling the immune system to heal and repair damaged tissue, as well as defend itself against foreign invaders, such as viruses and bacteria. Inflammation comes with chronic disease and is commonly linked with tissue and joint pain. By consuming acidic foods, you are contributing to the cause of inflammation.

By consuming alkaline foods – your body is able to reduce inflammation, essentially eliminating pain and disease. On the other hand, the body has to work to restore the pH balance after we consume acidic foods which entails releasing alkaline-rich minerals into the bloodstream (like calcium, phosphorus and magnesium). If these minerals are not available, the body has to pull them from our bones, teeth and organs. This paves the way for a compromised immune system, cellular damage, general fatigue and greater susceptibility to viruses and disease.

The body operates on a balance of acidity and alkaline states to form its pH balance. Without getting too technical – the scale ranges from -4.5 which reflects hyper-acidity through to +9.5 which equates to being highly alkaline. The ideal range is a pH level of 7.0 or above. When in the healthy range, your body is able to effectively absorb the nutrients it requires and eliminate waste products. Having a balanced pH level in the body is essential for good health and vitality.

Symptoms of acidity fluctuations can be visible through the skin – if you experience a sudden breakout or rash, also through flu-like symptoms of a runny nose/watery eyes or the feeling of heaviness and fatigue. If you are in a prolonged state of acidity, you are prone to weight-gain/obesity, bone deficiencies linked to pain & arthritis, poor digestion, dryness and premature aging, as well as every other disease under the sun.

Acidic Foods Include:

  • Animal proteins

  • Some legumes

  • Wheat/gluten

  • Refined sugars

  • Caffeine

  • Alcohol

  • Dairy

  • Eggs

Alkaline Foods Include:

  • Vegetables – particularly green leafy’s

  • Fruits

  • Lentils

  • Nuts

  • Spices

  • Seeds – especially chia

  • Apple Cider Vinegar

  • Lemons – although considered acidic, after digestion they supply alkaline minerals to the body

To create a balanced pH environment – much greater quantities of alkaline foods are required than acidic foods. You should aim to eat 80% alkaline, with a maximum of 20% acidity.

How to make the change:

  • Add 2 teaspoons of Byron Bay Detox Greens with water or coconut water first thing in morning on a empty stomach.

  • Focus on eating whole foods – like vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, spices, whole grains and beans (especially lentils). Leafy greens, cucumbers, lemons, melons and chia seeds are some of the best alkaline-producing foods.

  • Swap caffeine for herbal teas like ginger or green tea.

  • Drink plenty of green juice.

  • Add lemon to your alkalised water.

  • Eat smaller amounts of fats, meat, fish, pasta and other grains.

  • Eliminate processed and artificial foods, caffeine, white sugar and white flour.

  • Opts for high-quality oils such as cold-pressed virgin olive, coconut and avocado oil.

  • Begin your shift with a prolonged juice fast

Keep in mind – the stomach operates on its own unique balance of pH as it requires acids to break down & digest foods. The balance we are talking about refers to the body’s fluids, cells and tissues that are produced after digestion.

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