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Exit High Stress Mode

Many people feel controlled and exhausted by continuous stress. Current studies show excessive stress to be the most common contributor to poor health, disease and diminished quality of life.

Sometimes support is needed to shift out of habitual reactivity and ongoing suffering caused by internal and external stress triggers.

Here are a few tips to get you started

Step 1: Positive change requires conscious change If you’re more stressed than you want to be, the first thing you need to realise is that change requires change. If you continue to do and think about what you’re currently doing and thinking, your stress levels will stay the same. Say yes to change and take action.

Step 2: Practice self-awareness Notice when you’re stressed and how it affects you. What triggers you? What physical sensations do you experience? Racing heart, tense shoulders, locked jaw? Just start noticing when stress occurs and how it feels for you. Awareness and attention lead to change.

Step 3: Shift your focus Dwelling on stress-inducing thoughts is one of the most common causes of heightened stress. Cultivate the ability to shift your focus away from what you’re afraid of or what you don’t want. What do you truly want to feel and experience? What is your heart’s deepest desire? Start shifting your attention to these questions and the answers that naturally arise when you ask and listen.

Our resident Stress Management Coach will gently guide you out of the grip of stress into a calmer more empowered state. You’ll learn how to put the brakes on stress before it snowballs and overwhelms. Together you’ll identify and address the deeper causes, so change can be sustained.

Clients leave these sessions enlivened and resourced to truly move forward in their lives with a sense of calm, clarity and strength.

Join us on one of our upcoming retreats to unlock your inner-peace.

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