We recently shared an article on the benefits of an alkaline diet and wanted to share with you a simple, delicious recipe that will help you balance the pH of your body while fighting disease, reducing inflammation, clearing skin conditions, helping to lose weight, healing the gut and so much more.

Ingredients: – 1 leek stem – 1 head of broccoli – ½ bunch of kale – ½ bunch of parsley – 2 sprigs of mint – 1 potato – 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar – 2 tbsp coconut oil
Garnish (optional) – 6 chopped Brussels sprouts – 1tbsp of hemp seeds – 1tbsp of slithered almonds
Method: – Heat oil in a pot – Lightly fry off the potato – Add remaining vegetables – Cover with water (and stock if preferred) – Cook for 20 minutes or until soft – Add ACV and blitz with a food processor – Separately, pan fry the Brussels sprouts with ACV. Once brown, add hemp + almonds and cook until toasted.
To support the body’s daily detoxification processes add a delicious alkaline soup into your weekly regime.
‘Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food’ -Hippocretes