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Jul 2, 2012
Natural Rhythm - 'Meridian/Organ Clock'
In Chinese Medicine, certain hours of the day correspond to certain organs in your body. Following the natural rhythm of your own body...

Jun 7, 2012
Chlorophyll Power
Chlorophyll is a green pigment found in almost all plants, which allows plants to absorb energy from light. It has a similar molecular...

Jun 5, 2012
Benefits Of Fasting
Fasting is one of the most profound methods of healing & dates back to thousands of years. During fasting the digestive organs are put...

Jan 11, 2012
Anti-Ageing Food Rules
The food you choose to eat is one of the major determinants of how you will age. The type of food you put in your body differs in...

Dec 13, 2011
Coconut Power
Coconut water is the clear liquid from young coconuts and is one of nature’s most refreshing drinks consumed worldwide for its...

Dec 5, 2011
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar is powerfully cleansing and natural healing remedy. Since 400BC, Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, and...

Nov 29, 2011
Probiotics are beneficial organisms that live in our gut, that help with digestion and help strengthen our immune system. You have more...

Nov 24, 2011
Fantastic Fibre
Fibre is essential to detoxification. It feeds the good bacteria in your digestive tract and also binds with toxins and waste products in...

Nov 23, 2011
Juicing Power
See the many health benefits and active constituents of these amazing fruits, vegetables and herbs that we are blessed with by nature....

Nov 20, 2011
Juice Therapy & Weight Loss
Juice therapy is not only a delicious solution to assist you in your weight loss goals, it is also an incredible way to increase your...

Nov 4, 2011
Benefits Of Colonic Hydrotherapy
Colonic Hydrotherapy triggers a major cleansing reaction throughout the whole body and purifies the blood system, organs and tissues. The...

Oct 31, 2011
Detox Your Emotions
Not only can toxins from our external world cause harm, but negative emotions coming from within us can cause toxic stress. This occurs...

Oct 26, 2011
Love Your Liver
The liver is one of the primary organs of detoxification. Major Functions Filters your blood by removing harmful viruses, bacteria,...

Oct 7, 2011
Detoxify Your Home
Decrease your toxic load by reducing and removing toxins from your home. Replace all toxic personal care products and household cleaning...

Sep 22, 2011
Ten Toxic Terrors
Exposure to heavy metals like mercury, lead, aluminium, cadmium from the human-made environment Pesticides and herbicides used in...

Sep 18, 2011
Go Organic!
Why choose organic? Organic food has higher levels of nutrients. There is now plentiful research findings that show organic food is far...

Aug 30, 2011
Heavy Metals Damage
A heavy metal is any metallic element that has a relatively high density. Some of the 23 known heavy metals like selenium, copper,...

Aug 23, 2011
Alkalise for Good Health
It is important to keep the body alkalised in order to sustain optimum health. Your blood is to be maintained between 7.35 to 7.45 PH...

Jan 4, 2011
Mind, Body and Spirit Connection
There is an inseparable link between mind, body and spirit. Toxic blood and tissues form a breeding ground not only for dis-ease and...

Nov 30, 2010
Fasting is the most powerful method of healing. It is natures way of cleansing, healing and regenerating the vital life force. With...
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