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Aug 17, 2016
Scientists Prove that Fasting Regenerates our Immune Systems
For centuries many cultures have used fasting as a natural remedy to fight sickness and ageing, and scientists at the University of...

Jul 23, 2016
Healthy Drinks to Keep You Warm Through Winter
When cold weather hits, it can be hard to feel motivated to make juices and smoothies, brrrrr! Here are some alternative drinks which are...

Feb 18, 2016
The Food Tip to Save you Time, Money and Stress!
Have you ever asked yourself why don’t you eat well 100% of the time? Is it because it costs you more? Or because it requires more time...

Aug 14, 2015
The Health Properties of Matcha
A long-standing tradition of Japanese culture, Matcha Green Tea is a high quality powdered green tea. Made from the nutrient-rich young...

Aug 7, 2015
Staples for your Raw Kitchen
If you’re new to a diet of raw food or if you are looking to incorporate more living food into your diet, these five staples are a great...

Jul 31, 2015
The Benefits of Chia Seeds and a Simple Recipe
Chia seeds originate from the central Americas and have been a staple in Mayan and Aztec diets for centuries. Chia seeds are the highest...

Jul 23, 2015
Why Should I Cleanse?
Say goodbye to stored toxins A cleanse is designed to help rid the body of accumulated waste and toxins that have built up in our system....

Jul 15, 2015
Sugar - The Not-So-Sweet Facts
Sugar has quickly become the single worst ingredient in the modern Western diet. Science has now shown that sugar is taking a devastating...

Jul 9, 2015
Why Gluten Free?
Gluten is a protein composite found in foods made from wheat and some other grains including barley, oats and rye. In recent years,...

Jul 2, 2015
Simple Tips for Healthy Living
Imagine this for a moment- you arrive home after a long day at work, you’re exhausted and still have a to-do list the length of your arms...

Jun 25, 2015
Our Gut - The Second Brain
From as early as the 1930’s, scientists were beginning to understand that the health of our digestive system could influence our mood. At...

Jun 18, 2015
A Spotlight on Superfoods and a Warming Superfood Hot Chocolate Recipe
What are Superfoods? Superfoods assist the body to reach optimum levels of health and radiance by providing a powerful source of vitamins...

Jun 11, 2015
Making the Switch to Organic
Organically grown food has a wealth to offer the body and the planet. Organic food has more vitamins, minerals and nutrients than...

Jun 3, 2015
Oral Health and Detoxification
Oral health and detoxification. Although periods of focused cleansing and detoxification are essential for our health, wellbeing and...

Jun 1, 2015
How to Keep a Strong Immune System
The common cold or flu strikes many people every year, especially during the cold winter months or the changing of seasons. Keeping your...

May 27, 2015
Staying Nourished and Warm with Living Foods
It tends to be far easier to eat an abundance of raw food in the summer time when all you really crave is salad, smoothies and fresh...

May 21, 2015
The Benefits of Cold Pressed Juices
The benefits of cold pressed juices. “The juices extracted from fresh, raw vegetables and fruits are the means by which we can furnish...

Apr 21, 2015
What are Fermented Foods?
What are fermented foods and how to include them in your diet. Cultures around the world have been eating fermented foods for centuries...

Apr 16, 2015
Why and How to Alkalise Your Body
Having a balanced pH level in the body is essential for good health and vitality. The body’s pH level determines whether your body’s...

Dec 21, 2014
Cleansing Tonics for the Festive Season
Undoing the damage - cleansing tonics for the festive season. At this time of year, we often fall off the clean eating wagon here and...
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